The Perfect Image accepts digital downloads of pictures to be included into the memorial presentation. Please note the following guidelines when sending your photos to us.

Ordered Pictures:

This upload service sends the pictures to a folder on our servers. We then take those pictures and process the video. If the pictures are in a certain order, they must be numbered as part of the file name in such a way that our system can immediately sort them. This means they must have the number in the filename:

We are not responsible for pictures that don't stay in order.

Picture Requirements:
Pictures should be scanned in JPG format and at least 300DPI. Smartphone Pictures can be accepted provided they stay in JPG format. Mixing formats, gives unpredictable results in the video rendering process. We cannot accept photos taken from flip phones as their pixel size is so small they come apart in the video edit process.

Please make sure that you include the obituary with your pictures. This can either be submitted as a regular text file or copy and pasted into our message area on the contact page and submitted as email.

You can also forward any emailed pictures in batches to

Upload Files

Drag and drop files here or click to select files on your computer.
Only JPG, PNG and GIF files less-than 2MB are supported.